
Dumb question...How do I know if I took the ACT or SAT college entrance exams?

by  |  earlier

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I don't remember taking them...infact I remember NOT signing up for them, but my family insists that I did. It's been eight years since I graduated high school, and my memory of that time apparently sucks.

Thanks in advance for any help!




  1. Call your high school and ask them, they keep your transcript.

  2. call your high school, or if go to and they should have it if you took the SAT

  3. think

  4. Did you go to college?  If so, then look at your records. It would have a notation about your SAT or ACT scores.

    If not, then check with the high school. Your transcript would have a record of that also. If neither of those places have a record, you didn't take it.

  5. call your high school, they have all the records

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