
Dumbest Thing You Heard Someone Say That's Sports Related?

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Have you heard anyone say anything that just seemed so dumb at all? I mean, anything that has you think "Wow, you don't know anything about sports, please STFU." Best answer wins but here's my two cents:

"Why should the Patriots be sad...they went 18-1!" WHAT?! Oh, let's put aside the fact that they not only failed to go 19-0 and become the best team in NFL history (Pushing aside the Spygate scandal), but also failed to at least win the d**n Super Bowl. You cannot say that the Patriots shouldn't feel down...their season meant NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH. To come out empty handed sucks...and you can't say they should be happy just because they almost went undefeated.




  1. That Barry Bonds is the greatest baseball player of all time. Even if he had played without steroids, Ruth and Mays were better.

  2. Like when Luke Walton's dad called Rick Fox one of the best in basketball?  I had to pinch myself!

  3. The Dallas Cowboys going 19-0. LOL. They haven't won a playoff game in 12 years. How are they gonna go undefeated when they can't win in the post season not to mention the division they play in.

  4. The thing i heard that is without a doubt the dumbest thing i have ever heard is

    "The Toronto Maple Leafs are the best team in the NHL."  

  5. It was two years ago.  I was skating at the park and decided to talk to some guys at the top of one of the pyramids. I skate up there and start up a convo.  I didn't get off my board. One kid, who did not know me looked and me and asked "Do you skateboard?"  Everyone laughed so hard and one guy fell backward off the pyramid..  

  6. One time at a football game a cheerleader asked if one of the players made a home-run.

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