
Dungeons and Dragons Question?

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In Dungeons and Dragons, I am planning on becoming a Master Transmogrifist.What are the pros and cons of this class?




  1. Never heard of it, what book did it come from? I'll poke around my collection a bit and see if I can find it.

  2. As the preregs require Polymorph, you won't be able to enter the PrC until at least 8th level (9th as a sorcerer). Also, you have to invest a fair number of skill points in Bluff and Disguise which are likely to be cross-class for you (unless you multiclass, delaying things even more). You also need to invest in Eschew Materials, hardly the most optimum of feats. Finally, over the course of the PrC you lose 4 caster levels which is never something to do lightly.

    For all it costs you to take the PrC, you really don't get all that much in return. Being able to eventually gain all the extraordinary abilities of your favored forms in nice and the 10th level ability to start mixing the abilities from all your forms is middlingly powerful, but you only get 3-7 favored forms, so making those choices count is crucial! Even so, the PrC really doesn't start paying off until about 4 levels in and really hits its stride at level 8 when all the extraordinary abilities of your favored shapes are available to you.

    All told, it can be a nice class, but one in which a LOT of planning is needed - much moreso than usual. For this PrC, it's all about the favored shapes, so a lot of poring over the Monster Manual looking for candidates that fit your gaming style is likely.

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