
Duplicate mark sheets from Mumbai university?

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  1. Guest489


    I have misplaced my original passing certificate for MA - passed out in 1991.  

    How long will it take for me to get a duplicate copy from the  University ? 

    Can someone help me regarding the above. 








  2. my name is umesh v. do I get duplicate of ssc and hsc passing certificate and marksheet at home by post I passed it ssc in 1984 and hsc in 1987 which is I lost somewhere.i have no any proof of it and able to take holiday from office to go at university and do process.any one help me for bring me at home.

  3.  Hi

    I had lost my BA degree and marksheets and as I am based in Dubai I couldnt get the process done myself.  Then I contacted Ideal Services at  After necessary documentation they got it done in about a month.  I guess its best for people who are not based in mumbai. Best of Luck.

    Parineeti Singh







  4.  I lost my LL.B marksheets issued by Mumbai University.  What is the procedure to get duplicate marksheets?

    what is the contact number of Idea services who provide such services?


  5.  I lost my  result fybcom so i want the affidavit letter ...want can i write

  6. Hi!

    Can any one share the format of the affidavit to be submitted to the university?

  7. Hi..I had lost my BA degree from Mumbai university. I got help from  they helped me get a copy with the details I had.. the process was done within a month.

  8.  Hello there,

                  I did my MA from Mumbai Univeristy kalina (regular) in the year 2003-2005.I  have my MA 1st year marksheet with me but i couldn't collect my MA 2nd year marksheet because i had to leave the country immediately for some work and on top of that i didn't have my BA degree certificate so i couldn't take out my MA 2nd year marksheet.Now,after all these years i don't know how to go about in getting my MA 2nd year marksheet.PLEASE HELP..

  9. if i hav lost two marsheets do i hav to make two seperate affidavids??? orr can i make 1??

    for FYBCOM and SYBCOM???

  10. i have given my t.y.b.coms exam in march 2008 but for some reason i couldn't see my result and i have ATKT in so, they are not giving me my result i just want to see my marks can u sugget me any website where i can see my result........

  11.  Hi,

    To get duplicate mark sheet, following is the procedure as I have just finished doing it for my friend who has lost her all 3 yrs B.Sc. 1989 mark sheet. You don't have to be physically available to get it done. 

    Mumbai University needs an original  notaried affidavit on 100 rupees stamp paper, and an original  FIR with the application form for statement of mark (you will get this application form at Mahatma Jotiba Phule Bhavan inquiry counter Mumbai University Kalina only after showing original affidavit and FIR)

    For every application Rs 100 fee is charged.

    Payment Hours- 11:00am to 1:00pm and 1:30pm to 2:30 pm

    The application form for statement of marks includes

    Examination___________ Month ____ Year____

    Name in Full __________ Seat No. ____ Center _____

    Date ____ Signature______

    If you do not have seat number  of particular exam then there is an search option with extra 50 rupees charge or you can get the seat number from your college. 

    1. You have to make  two same affidavits on 100 rupees stamp paper each, a written declaration made under oath before a notary public stating you have lost your mark sheet some where some where while travelling including your name and particulars about mark sheet yr etc etc. 

    2.You have to file a complaint in police station that you have lost your mark sheet. (one affidavit required here). Somebody told me to file FIR at railway station, its easier.Get an original copy of FIR.

    I hope this information is helpful to you.

  12. Dear Sir,

    I Lost My T.Y.Bcom marklist. and i don't have my seat no. as well.

    Nowdays i am in Singapore. So can u please explain me how i can get the duplicate copy of the same.

  13. Hello, myself Yogeeta Pawar , i have appeared  T.Y.Bcom from B. Ambedkar College, Wadala in 2008, but i have lossed my T.Y.Bom marksheet ,could you pls tell the procedure to get duplicate or new marksheet from Mumbai University kalina.


    Thank u

  14.  Don’t worry, just go to Board head office and fill application form of duplicate copy with necessary details. You will get the copy soon after you finish all the formalities. After that, just make sure that you don’t lose them again. And, if you are a careless person like me then just take any professional help for management of your documents as I am also thinking of the same. I have recently joined this page on facebook, ‘clip to click’, where people were talking about soon-to-be launched service that would facilitate individual document management

  15. If you want to get duplicate markesheets then visit the Kalina Campus Of Mumbai University.

    In the campus there is Mahatma Jotirao Phule Bhavan which is also called as the Examination Cell. There you will have to submit an application regarding your "loss of marksheet".

    They will then draft a new marksheet within the next 15 days and give it to you.

    And yes, they are going to charge you for the marksheet. I think the nominal fees is around Rs 100 - 150 per duplicate copy of any document that you have lost.


  17. hii, i have passed her B.A. from Bombay University in the year 1982 via Sophia College, Wadern Road, Mumbai, i have lost her mark sheet , plz advice me, how i get duplicate mark sheet

  18. Duplicate mark sheets from Mumbai university?

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