
During 3 years of dating my boyfriend I have never asked him for a dime, I would feel bad to, but...........?

by  |  earlier

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He usually eats dinner at my house 3 or 4 times a week & we usually go out for dinner or lunch a coulple times a month. I have been a little low on funds lately, would it be rude for me to ask him for $20 or so the next time I go to the grocery store?




  1. No, it wouldn't be rude. It sounds to me like he owes it to you, eating at your house 3/4 times a week. I believe he's obligated to help out.

  2. He should bring food or offer money.  I sure hope he pays when you go out for dinner or lunch.  I would just ask him to pitch in on the groceries because you're a little low on funds.

    DON'T pay him back...DON'T ask for a loan.

  3. If you have been dating for 3 years I think you can ask him for $20 on the food. I mean its cool that he pays when you go out for dinner. But if you're low on cash then I think he should pitch in and help out for two reasons: 1) it's the right thing to do when you're dating someone to help them if they need it and you can afford to help. 2) he is eating your food too. If it were only you, you would be able to cover your food bill right?  

  4. Ask him for twice the amount of money you need, and tell him that he should buy groceries since he eats at your place 3 or 4 times a week there. Don't be afraid, just ask him " Do you have any money? I need some." This boyfriend has been having cheap dates with you for 3-years. If you marry him, expect that he will get tighter with his money, and you will regret not setting things right in the 1-st place. 3-years-----------he is not clueless, and he knows what he is doing by being tight with his money. If I were you, I would drop that zero and get myself a hero. May God give you strenght.

  5. you are a couple and have been dating for 3 years.. I believe it's absolutely ok to be open and honest with him and tell him you are low on funds and ask him for some money when you cook a meal. After 3 years of dating you should both be at ease enough with one another to be able to talk about just anything. If you have financial problems or something else is on your mind.. You share good and bad, all kinds of thoughts and ideas. If that is love then there is respect and trust and honesty and you don't have to ever feel bad to tell him that you are a bit short of money. How can that be rude. You discuss things with him and explain the situation and tell him you are running short of funds right now. After all you are not asking him for $1000. you are asking him for $ 20. That I am sure he will give you and without a fuss. I am sure he would have done it already if he knew you were short of money. Just tell him. There should be no secrets between 2 people who are otherwise so close and in such a deep relationship;.

  6. You've been dating him for 3 two are now intimate friends (whether the intimacy transcends into the physical realm is of no consequence, we're talking about the relationship itself).

    This means it's a lot harder to be rude. Unfortunately, it never stops being hard to be proud, which is more likely at issue here.

    How he thinks of you isn't going to change by you asking him for 20 bucks.

    I would open up a little to him about your low-cash situation. You don't need to make a production about it, just mention "man, groceries are getting expensive, I barely had enough money to fill up my car today!"

    This guy sounds perceptive enough to read between the lines there. He'll probably say "Well, hey, if you need me to help you out, I can" or something like that. Lay it on thicker if he doesn't get it.

  7. He's mooching off of YOU. Don't feel bad to ask him to pitch in.  

  8. Well no, if you never ask him for money just tell him hey sweetie I am a little low on funds can you help me out baby.  Don't give him a price, see what he offers you and that will tell you how he feels about you.  If he eats over at your house often then he will understand that food is not free and although he thinks he's getting a free meal, you had to pay to prepare it.  Remember keep your conversation short about this topic, but he should be really understanding being that this doesn' thappend often.

  9. Not at all. He shouldn't  freeload on you. Get him to pay for his share of food.

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