
During ACT testing, Am I allowed to use a stop watch?

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Am I allowed to use a stopwatch during ACT testing or is this prohibited? I'm not referring to a watch with a built in stopwatch, but a genuine stopwatch. Also, does anyone know what time I am supposed to be at the testing center? I'm taking the June ACT and I can't seem to find any details on when to arrive on my admission ticket. Thank you.




  1. You are NOT allowed to use a stopwatch or a timer. You may however use a watch with a built in stopwatch as long as it does not make any audible sounds. If it beeps or an alarm goes off, your scores will be invalidated and the device may be confiscated. Visit the ACT FAQ ( ) for more information on what to bring/not to bring to the testing center.

    You are supposed to arrive at the test center by 8:00 AM. Be there by 7:45 AM so that you can find your room, go to the restroom, etc.

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