
During Ramadan, can muslims watch television?

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Can they use the computer?




  1. Yup, Muslims can watch Television and use the computer when in Ramadan month.

    The things that they are forbid to see/watch are like pornographies etc.

  2. I've never heard about not being able to watch t.v. during Ramadan. The restrictions are not to watch bad things, but you shouldn't have been doing that anyways. But I guess some people need to start following the rules more, and Ramadan is a great way to get rid of bad habits and start good ones!

  3. Why? Or why not?

    Does it become specially haram during Ramadan? Or does it remain haram the whole year round?  Ask ur 'huzur'.

    Except for those things which have been forbidden during the fast, nothing specially becomes haram during Ramadan. If something is haram during other months, it's haram during Ramadan too. If something is not haram during other months, it's not haram in Ramadan either.

    Watching T.V. or computer usage is not haram itself. It's only haram if used in forbidden ways. And that is not haram during Ramadan only. It's always haram! Because Allah doesn't watch u during Ramadan only. He watches u the whole year round.

  4. Of course! :)

    How are you suppost to past time then?

    [Other than Praying and reading Quran and Sleeping]

    I think as long as you don't look at dirty things then it's okay?

  5. Nope

  6. Of course. Why wouldn't they be allowed. They just can't watch or see anything haram on the T.V. or the computer.

  7. Tv is fine...depends on the programming though.  

    I wasn't allowed to though growing up, well when i was really young i was allowed to, but then when i hit my teens no tv at all during fasting, and after sunset, i was allowed to watch the discovery channel only (this was before discovery channel had good stuff on).  

    Same goes with computer, depends what you are doing on it.  

  8. tv is not problem os islam islam is pro info

    but some program can be haram not tv

  9. Well, during Ramadan or not, as long as u r not watching bad things "or scenes" :) then it should be acceptable.

    However, I stopped watching TV in Ramadan for about four years now, because I think that it can be waste of a very valuable time that should be spent in much more useful stuff..

  10. I don't see why not.  I guess it depends on what you watch and listen to.  My parents listen to Qur'an being recited and watch prayer on TV; what's wrong with that?

  11. This lecture will explain the issue quite well to you.

    It's by our brother Abu Muhammad al Maghribee:

  12. its best to do that to past time but for me myself i wouldn't watch tv because alot of bad things come on.. and i would probably go on the computer but mostly listen to Quran an read about islamic things to pass time an other then that probably check my email but try not to stay on the pc for a while unless im listening to quran.

    an i would probably sleep or go out to my dads carlot hang out with friend but i am gonna try to be careful what i say an do! isA every thing goes well with everyone isA

    Allah knows best

  13. In the name of Allah

    There are times during the year when Muslims can get closer  to Allah through worship. We have every Jumaah to pray a special prayer, three days of each month we can fast, and there are times during the day when a prayer is sure to be answered, insha Allah. Ramadhan is like that: It is a month for us to pray, read Quran, be kind to our neighbors, give charity, etc. Of course, these things should be done every day, but in Ramadhan the reward is multiplied.

    In rRamadhan, you sould be working on breaking bad habits and making new ones, and plan on following through with them even after the month is over. You can't just say, "I'm going to pray every day in ramadhan," and then right when it ends you stop. You never know if you'll live to see the next Ramadhan.

    The month is a time to refresh and renew yourself, so the time in it should not be wasted frivolously. Use all of your time wisely. Watching tv should not be your sole activity for the whole day until it's time to break your fast. You should always be sure not to watch or listen to anything haraam any day of the year. I don't think watching tv is haraam in Ramadhan, it just all goes back to why would you waste your time doing that when the days are so precious and can be spent stocking up on hasanat through good deeds?

    And Allah (SWT) knows best.

  14. meh owner used to but then he started to bea meh so I ran away frm ome!

    It is better if u devoted ur self in worship, pls pray for me dt i find  a ome whr  i dnt get abused!

  15. I never watch TV, it's trashy.  Certainly during ramadan, never would I turn that cess box on.

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