
During Rudy and Sarah's speeches last night.....?

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do you wonder if Barack was standing in front of his big-screen TV shouting "I AM THE CHOSEN ONE! BOW BEFORE ME!"




  1. Uh,no. Since he probably isn't home,whatever T.V. he's in front of is probably is not his.

  2. In a  But I bet you were in front of the TV shouting "I am the idiot, watch me drool"

  3. yeah, thinking,"d**n why didnt i ask hillary to be my vp?!?"

  4. Not so much, no.

  5. Smear , ridicule, belittle and attack.

    Any fool can do that.

    Setting out a plan for this country is what I want and I get from OBAMA/BIDEN!

  6. i feel certain he did not watch either speech.

  7. ...yes, but like every Wednesday night he was saying it to his wife.

  8. No.

    I am a conservative and a Republican. I wish people on both sides would quit this c**p. How about using your time for intelligent discus ions?  

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