
During World War II, would a Lond-Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis have been unstoppable?

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If the British Empire joined the Tripartite pact, would the Axis have won?




  1. it would have made it harder for another country to invade europe as the UK would not have allowed D-day to happen, but given the whole reason for the war, it would have never happened.

  2. If Britain and Germany had been on the same side, the US would not have joined in.  It's also likely that Germany would have satisfied itself with Poland and not gone on to attack Russia.  That would have given an alliance that lasted rather longer than the third Reich.  However, it would have collapsed in time in the same way that the Soviet Empire collapsed.

  3. It would never have happened - just because Hitler offered troops - SFW, the British people had shown their revulsion of fascism in Cable Street, Olympia and other places where the British Union of Fascists met.  The BUF had shrunk to the status of extreme minority party by 1935.

    The Americans had a much longer and more indepth discussion with Nazism that the British - the Deutscher Bund and the American n**i Party were making real inroads into American politics before the start of the war - now that axis, Japan, Germany USA and Italy would have been almost unstoppable.

  4. It would have been unstoppable if it ever happened.  There would have been nothing much the US or anyone else could have done about it.  Despite being significantly weakened by WW1 Britain was still the number 1 Great Power in the world, which was part of the reason it had hitler's respect.  I doubt it would have ever happened though.  Even though nothing was known of the final solution at the start of the war it would have been discovered eventually, since an alliance would have meant some sort of cooperation in various areas.  n**i Germany always had designs on eastern europe and would still have done so.  Britain has always been against one power dominating europe, being in favour of keeping potential threats to a minimum.  Also Japan had its eyes on Britain's eastern colonies so I doubt there would have been any cooperation there.  Rome of course had very little real power individually.

  5. Probably yes!! LOL

    If Hitler never did attack USSR they might just become unstoppable.

    But authoritarian sucks

  6. I don't think such axis could exist, since Tokyo was cut off from the other countries by China, Russia, and Middle East. Japanese was already losing the war in china and south east Asia before the atomic blast since they spread their troops too thin over a large geographic area. It's like watch a snake try to swallow an elephant. Besides, United States would never allow England to join with Germany.

  7. No, the Americans would do some reverse colonization on the UK!

    But the UK and US had a strong alliance, which was stronger than the UK with the axis (of course)

    if the UK would've went over, the US would've probably done so as well... or build 2 more bombs.

  8. if you think that the people of Britain would have countenanced being a party to murder mayhem and the extermination of a whole race that was visited on the world in the late thirties by a raving maniac. you are living in a dream world , the people were a different breed from the people today they were strong independent and incredible fair minded . To kick a man when he was down was considered a dreadful crime and nobody would have even given it a second thought if they wished to have many friends left. To stand by while the dreadful crimes and murders  were going on around them would have been alien to there very way of life . True there were the black shirts and some aristocrats that favoured the n**i's but they were looked on by the rest of the population as scum and were often stoned and jeered in the streets that's before the war started.

  9. Obviously its a lot of what if's but yes that axis would probably have been unstoppable, and you are right Hitler never wanted to fight britain.

    Its unknown if the US would have entered the war in Europe without Britain, and for how long the USSR could have withstood the onslaught.

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