
During a rainstorm, when are driving conditions the most dangerous?

by Guest11107  |  earlier

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During a rainstorm, when are driving conditions the most dangerous?




  1. i believe there are 2 times.  the 1st say 30min, since it brings the oils etc up onto the road surfaces. and 2nd if it rains hard enough to have excessive water build up which would cause hydroplaning

  2. I think in driver's education they said it is when it first starts raining because all the oils and stuff on the road are slippery and as it rains more they will get washed away somewhat. But, it's also dangerous if it's been raining for a while and there is standing water on the road. You can hydroplane and lose control of your car pretty easily.

  3. Chris T is correct. Ignore the other answers.

  4. When you hit a puddle and hydroplane.

  5. Hydroplaning (or aquaplaning) the tires. It occurs when a layer of water builds between the rubber tires of the vehicle and the road surface, leading to the loss of traction and thus preventing the vehicle from responding to control inputs such as steering, braking or accelerating. It becomes, in effect, an unpowered and unsteered sled.

  6. The first 20 minutes or so. Any oil or grease that was on the road is brought to the surface and takes some time to wash away.

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