
During a recession what is the most important unemployment?

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During a recession what is the most important unemployment?




  1. I think all unemployment is important. Why would some be more important than others?

  2. all unemployment is important but perhaps that among single parents is most harmful

  3. banks and financial services, if there gone its harder to recover

  4. The critical downsizing of major employers for instance gaming and mining in Nevada which impact the entire state figures.  We are approaching a 7% unemployment figure here which cuts into state as well as individual household survival capabilities.  Quite a few of our sates such as Michigan have specialized fields such as automotive industry which influences the economy of our nation.

  5. It's called "cyclical" unemployment.

    In case if recession is too long - then size of structural and frictional unemployment tend to become higher too (NAIRU).

  6. Cyclical is the most important to focus on, because it is the easiest to correct: once the economy is out of recession, cyclical unemployment will go down.  Structural unemployment should also be focused on, but it's more difficult to deal with, since it requires something to help the workers be trained to do different jobs.  Frictional unemployment is always there, and there's not really anything to be done; in fact, its existence is an indicator of a flexible labor market.

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