
During aircraft disorder of flight do thy permit the air passenger to use guided parachutes to escape?

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IN an sudden exploading calamity of the aircraft there may not be much time to take up the excercise of use of .parachute escape. there could be situation where the time to escape is sufficient an attempt, could be made by parachute escape. why such a news is not heard . even paragliding wonderful as a guided oneto escape.




  1. Although individual parachutes are not feasible for airline travel there is a company that is developing what's called airframe parachutes.  Basically a parachute attached to the structure of the aircraft to allow the entire aircraft to descend "softly" to the ground.  They are currently seen on cirrus piston aircraft and retrofits for Cessna 172/182s and also experimentals.  The current models however only can handle very slow deployment speeds and aircraft weights.  There are parachutes being developed for heavier, faster aircraft such as cirrus' new "Jet" and Diamonds D-Jet.  Whether we someday see airframe chutes on commercial airplanes is yet to be seen and many years off due to the high loads they'll have to be designed to handle.

  2. There are several reasons why parachutes are not used for commercial airliners (which I assume you had in mind).  One reason is that parachutes take up too much space and weight and are expensive to provide.  Another is that using a parachute requires special training.  Another is that there is no easy egress from a typical airliner at usual service altitudes, since the cabin is pressurized and the doors are not designed to be opened in flight.  Still another reason is that relatively few incident scenarios would make parachutes useful.  Finally, the safety of commercial air travel is so high that parachutes and their attendant costs and risks cannot be justified.

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