
During freestyle, how do you breathe out underwater?

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I've tried many ways, but I always seem to catch my breath, and become out of breath very easily. It's so hard to breathe during freestyle. How do you blow out your air easily underwater so that you don't run out of breath quickly?




  1. Hey Athena,

    I am i swimmer myself. I go squad training and it is very intense.

    Freestyle is my favorite. Ok first breath every four arms. (So do the freestyle stroke with your arms four times before taking a breath). Once you take a breath. You need to put your head in the water right?

    So breath out with your nose slowly (make bubbles with your nose but slowly) [if that doesnt waor try breathing out normally under the water. =)

    Hope I helped! =)


  2. Ok, it's simple. Blow bubbles out of your nose underwater as if you were blowing snot out of a tissue. Well ah.

  3. blow bubbles underwater it helps a lot

  4. you need to practice bubble exercises first before you start swimming. when your head is above water inhale thru your mouth and once it goes under,  exhale thru your nose. do this several times to get the hang of it. the same principle applies when doing the freestyle. when you turn your head to either the left or right side during the recovery phase of the stroke, thats when you inhale thru your mouth, and once your face goes underwater, this is when you exhale thru your nose. do your breathing as normally as possible and the only way you could achieve this is when you are relaxed.

  5. try exhaling through ur nose. u may want to practice before actually swimming. stand in the shallow end and make bubbles through ur nose. then try just through ur mouth. u will ind that it is easier with just ur nose. then apply that in the water. make sure u stay relaxed during it. also if you are tryin to swim and hold ur breathe, try making a "funny face" with ur lips. put ur upper lips against ur nose by pushing up with ur lower lips. then, water will not get up ur nose.

    when trying to rbeath in general, do "side, breathing" where ur taking a storke turn ONLY UR HEAD to the side of the arm that is out of the water. take a quick breathe and put ur face back into the water facing downwards. u want to make sure u exhale all of ur air underwater so when u take ur breath, all u have to do in inhale.

  6. you inhale on one side when that arm is over your head and then exhale under water.

  7. Perservere with it, because as you build up your fitness and lung capacity the breathing will become easier to do.

    Also, sometimes people who feel like they are running out of breath during freestyle rush their strokes so they can quickly get to the next breath. This just makes them more out of breath because they're swimming faster. One way to avoid this is to try breathing every second stroke, and making sure you swim quite slowly. This will help you build up your lung capacity, and then you can try breathing every third stroke (alternate sides) or every fourth stroke (same side every time) and improving your speed.

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