
During in my outgoing why my husband is always calling to me?loutskie 96?

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During in my outgoing why my husband is always calling to me?loutskie 96?




  1. I think you are going to get a lot of stupid answers because you have asked a stupid question. Your question makes no sense!

  2. what's your point dear... you're not making any sense at all

  3. Do you mean 'whenever you are away or outside your home your husband always calls you'? please clarify your question. if you are a Filipino, it is in our culture that women are expected to be in the house and their husbands. and if your husband always checks up on you, he may just be worried or suspicious that you are doing something else... talk to him, there must be trust in a relationship

  4. say that again? first, you should realize you posted this in the "dining out" category. second, your question doesn't make any sense at all.

  5. What do you mean? If you mean that whenever you go out,your husband always call you?

    Maybe he does not trust you that much. Or maybe he just doesn't want you to be out of his sight.

    Talk to him if it annoys you.

  6. So how id this question related to dining out in the Philippines???

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