
During ottoman period, greek and turkish genes have been mixed in many families. That's why we look alike ?

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And why do we, Greeks and Turks, sometimes look like Spanishs and Italians ? Because the ancient Romans lived in Anatolia ?

A very interesting topic... The Mediterranean has been a real mix of ethnicties...




  1. We do not all look alike due to Greek, Turkish or any other genes.  We look alike because the beginning of civilization started in Africa and branched from there.  In other words, there is one man and one woman who is the father and mother of ua all.    Greeks and Turks are just offshoots or branches from several other branches.

  2. Yup!! and Africa invaded Italy and the Spanish invaded everyone, so to your question, we are all of different mixtures

  3. Mediterranean has always been a mixture of cultures and etnicities. And it is true that we look alike as Italians,Greeks,Spanish, Turkish people. Not only the features of our faces also how we react to the events. Like we all speak with our hands:P Or we are very lively. Of course we have our differences but the mixtures, marriages between the countries make us look and act same.

    Well, that's why when i am in a foreign country i am happy to see and Italian or a Greek:) It feels like i found someone who can understand me:)))

  4. It is a common pattern throughout history.  A strong, affluent or militaristic culture will over-run it's geographic borders in order to expand them and end up occupying and breeding into the surrounding cultures - untill they eventually spread themselves and their resources too thin, or the powerful leader who held it all together dies and his heirs fracture the empire in their squabbles over it and then it all falls to the next conquering force.

    There is no question but that the Ottoman empire was just such a powerful force during the latter Dark Ages and early Renaissance.  Before them it was the Byzantines, before that, the Romans and before them, the Celts in Gaul.

    For a REALLY interesting look at geo/political expansion in ages past, check out the books I list below under "sources".  They are about evidence (which has been largely ignored and mis-interpreted) that these ancient cultures also explored and expanded into the New World, hundreds - even thousands - of years before Columbus!

    Celtic copper mines in the New England states of Vermont and new Hampshire, evidence of an ancient Iberian equivalent of a banking facility in what is now Kansas, plaques depicting Carthegenian zodiac symbols found in Ecuador, etc.  

    Even conventional history slips up and leaks the fact that Montezuma did not destroy Cortez and his armies while he still had the strength and resources to do so because he thought Cortez was an ancient white-skinned leader/prophet from their old legends come back to them.

    When the explorer, Heceta, landed on the west coast of what is now Washington State in the 1740s, he was met by a party of Quinault Indians, some of whom were BLOND!  (In the 1740s, the English colonies on the east coast of America had not yet declared independance from Britain and European exploration in general had not even expanded beyond the Appalachian Mountains.)

    The cross-pollination of cultures has been going on for far longer, and is vastly more common than we have been taught.

  5. You can even see some mongolian genes mixing in in some cases from the mongol hoards.  Those latin genes also went north to the french and black irish.

  6. In the times of Crusades, the northern African nations (Boers I think), conquer most of southern Europe, Portugal, Spain, Italy and on... They lost later on, but still leave their trace in genetic materials of those inhabitants.

  7. I think you are right. Turks never been a close nation. I mean they marry people from every nationality. It is not a big issue for us....

    Think about that;  Our roots go back to China. And Turkish people back then (Huns, Uyghurs) have that Asian look on their eyes. (like Chinese) Can you believe that?

    But After we came to Anatolia and start mixing with Europeans we have lost our Asian looks....

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