
During that time of the month...?

by Guest44702  |  earlier

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How come I become increasingly affectionate towards my husband when it's that time of the month? I become more sexually aroused and I get all cuddly.. This is a serious question I know it sounds a little silly.. I would like to hear people's theories and real scientific answers :]




  1. If you go to and "plan your period" you can predict about that time of the month and also it will tell you that you will be a bit more flirty on about the 3 or 4 day of your period.

  2. omg i so feel the opposite.

    Can some1 plz ans my question?

  3. It's completely normal to feel more aroused and generally think about s*x more when your on your period. I have talked about it with friends and they are the same way even though they don't like the idea of having s*x on your period, the urges are still there.

  4. Maybe it's because your estrogen increases and you feel more 'womanly' and feminine

  5. it's weird, right? My boyfriend knows when I'm on my period when affectionate towards him constantly. It's not that I'm a cranky ***** or anything, it's just I'm more romantic and stuff when I'm not on my period, but when I am; I'm all for

  6. its beacuse your hormones are  different,  you experience a peek of estrogen ( i think.. or some other womanly hormone)  and  this  will  allow you  to become more affectionate.   I feel more cuddly  that time of the month too  around my bf. its pretty normal  

  7. your periods have you all messed up! I get horny alot when i'm on periods  

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