
During the spring , I decided on not playing lacrosse because it would hurt my grades,?

by  |  earlier

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but I ended up missing the sport a bunch. This year I am going to take easier classes . Should I try-out for the team even though I didn't play last there a un-written rule that I shouldn't try out or should I just go for it.




  1. Go for it! Lacrosse is the best sport out there (men/women doesn't matter) especially if you have played before. As long as you throw a few times with a friend or against a wall to get the feel for it before the season starts you should be fine.

    Have fun

  2. I would definitely do it, if you miss it. If not, you might end up regretting never getting to play it, and I wouldn't want to go through that.

    I had a friend who did something similiar with softball, and she went crazy not being able to play. She found that she had way too much time on her hands.

    As long as you don't ignore your school work, it wouldn't be that bad of a thing to take easier classes. You've already devoted a year to harder classes anyways.

  3. join club team asap even if for practices , definatly rejoin high school team . many many scholarships available  best of luck dont quit

  4. who cares about unwritten rules. if you miss it, go for it. perhaps have a friend help you get ready to go by working out and practicing with them so you arent going into tryouts unprepared.

    may i say, however, that grades are the single most important thing for colleges, so if you are skipping out on taking harder classes for lax then i wouldnt do it. perhaps play with a team that is not part of the school- less pressure/practices.

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