
During wedding ceremonies-either civil or in a church-honor loved ones that have died?

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I was thinking of putting a rose on the alter to remember my fiance's mother whose physical presence will be missed, but she will be with us in spirit. Do German people do this, or do they do something else?




  1. as far as I know this is not normal procedure but I am sure this can be included if you talk to the priest beforehand..what many brides do if her mother or the mother in law died before the wedding is putting the bunch of flowers, which the bride is carrying to church, on the grave.

  2. I never heard of that being common practice in germany.It's best to ask the priest you'll be having the church wedding with about this.

    Apart from that, a wedding is a regular mass, isn't it?There's a part in mass called "Fuerbitten" in german (=intercessory prayer, if LEO can be believed) which would be the perfect setting for doing that since it's normal to pray for the departed in that prayer.The "Fuerbitten" can also be said by anyone, not just the priest.Talk to the priest about it, he needs to know beforehand.

    P.S.:I assumed this is about a catholic wedding, don't know what its like with other religions.

  3. I'm sure that will be perfectly acceptable here in Germany.  That's very sweet of you to do :-)

  4. that is a lovely thought. I really dont know if the Germans do it. I put my bridal flowers on my husbands grandmothers grave. My husband was very close to her and she was sadly missed at our wedding.

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