
During which month were you offered your first teaching job?

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The question really says it all. I'm basically wondering if most people are hired in early or late summer. Thanks!




  1. January - a teacher that had been hired "didn't work out" and was asked to leave.  I had done my student teaching at that school the previous fall, and they liked what I did, so I was asked to be her "long term substitute" and then I was hired to take her job the following fall.

  2. October....I started teaching 10 weeks into the school year. Needless to was the hardest year of my life....I'm still recovering. My first day was also the night of parent-teacher conferences. I had angry parents in my face wanting to know why their kid was given a failing grade I didn't give them.

  3. I was hired in February at a job fair and was slated to start work in August.  Guess I was blessed.  Teachers at my school are hired as late as 20 school days into the year.  And, of course later if teachers quit/medical, etc.  

    Be aggressive!  Call principals and send them copies of your resume, and tell them you just want to chat with them and check out the school. Don't mention the "interview" word.  They should be impressed by your "research".

  4. August (three days before school started)

    But I applied in February.  Sometimes principals dont find out until real late that a teacher is not returning from the previous year so there is no real time frame for call backs UNLESS you are applying for a specific vacant position, if thats the case then usually they want to fill them fast (even if it school is not about to start)

  5. Late July. I interviewed on Tuesday, got hired on Thursday, moved 500 miles away on Saturday, and started on Monday.

    It was a horrible year, but as a first year teacher I had to take what I could get. I was able to get a different job the next year and I've been there for 14 years.

  6. I was hired for my first teaching job in August, when the teacher chose not to return that fall. I took her place. It helped that I had done my student teaching at the school- so I had a finger on the pulse of politics there.

  7. My first offer came in May with another offer in June, both of which I passed on due to locations far from home. I received two offers in early July and accepted one that I am still at today. This was 5 years ago.

  8. August

    3 days before school started. I took what they offered even though it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I worked my tail off that year but it paid off because the following year I got an assignment that better suited me and my skills.

    I have been teaching 11 years and am exactly where I choose to be.

    Good Luck.

  9. I was hired in August, a week before school started.  I began calling once a month in March, once a week in June and the first of July, then everyday from then on.  I knew the receptionist in Personnel on a first name basis.  It is frustrating that schools take such a long time in making decisions.

  10. 48 hours before school started in early August........My room looked like Cindy Lou Who's house after the Grinch had been there...

    Jobs were very scarce at that time in my area.

  11. I'm not a teacher, but my husband is a grade 10-12 science & AP Biology teacher... he got hired the week before the school year started - but he was replacing a teacher who walked out.

    He interviewed on Thursday, the candidate he was up against was interviewed Friday, and the principal called him Saturday morning saying that my husband was chosen for the position. That Monday he got all his paperwork taken care of and started orientation, and the next Monday he started teaching.

    He didn't have ANY luck with other districts/schools before that (maybe due to being a first-year teacher, though).

    (edited to add detail)

  12. I got hired in July. I think teachers can get hired in any month. I know our school district has sometimes hired teachers months after the new year has started.

  13. My first teaching job was in May.  My second one was in August.  Still at that one.

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