
During which months can I go and see a bullfight in Spain?

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I wouldn't dream of going to see ritualised slaughter. It's good to see that all replies so far are of a like mind.




  1. meat is murder do you seen the pain in his eyes as you stick a sword into this beautyfull creature

  2. Dont go it is a sick and cruel practice...the bull is wound up and dies in stress and agony. This is not entertainment, it is disturbing seriously. Go to spain for entrtainment where it involves people putting on shows, dancing etc, not animals being killed for fun. The reason it goes on is not only because the locals get involved but tourists too.Please dont go, it is no better then supporting bear dancing where cubs are taken from their mothers [whom are killed] and they are tortured and beat so they "dance". Believe it or not animals feel stress and pain and think about it would you see people stabbing a dog for fun? what is the difference? nothing ... the animal just looks different thats all. If you do decide to go i hope it makes you think and i hope before the magneficent creature dies he gets some serious retribution in beforehand.

    Go to spain, enjoy it, i went to Barcelona and absolutely loved it, but dont support their cruel "entertaiment". Have a great cruel fee holiday.  The question is not; can they talk? nor; can they reason?, but can they suffer?

  3. dont see the point,, its a bit cruel would'nt you say.. i've worked in a slaughter house and i'm not a sad veggie,, i just think theres no need

  4. It depends where you're going in Spain. In Madrid, there are bullfighting in may, in Sevilla in April, Pamplona in July...

    In summer it would be easier to see a bullfighting in small cities.

  5. Bullfighting season begins in April and ends in the Fall, I think the last ones are around the first weekend in November.  They are held on Sundays, and holidays, and usually during the Fairs.

    It's pretty icky if you look at it as ritualized slaughter.

    If you look at it as a test of a person's strength and courage, and as a many-millenia-old tradition, it's actually kind of cool.  The pagentry is really neat, and it really can be fun.  It can also run a long time.  They ordinarily do something like 7 bulls.  I was really surprised that my husband and son were into staying for the whole thing, as they had no background whatsoever.  I sort of expected to sit through maybe two bulls.

    We were just there last June.

  6. why are you thinking of fighting it if so i hope it wins.july aug.

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