
During whose presidency stock markets were lower at the end than at the beginning of his reign?

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During whose presidency stock markets were lower at the end than at the beginning of his reign?




  1. Herbert Hoover and Boy George Bush are the only two.

    Stocks were basically flat during Nixon's and Carter's terms.

  2. lawl bush

  3. Hoover ended in a Depression.

    Clinton ended in a Recession. (and he didn't have a war, housing crash, and soaring world oil costs to deal with)

    Looks like Bush may end in a recession, but not yet an actual recession. (Only in the Media where it is worse than a Depression because a Republican is in office)

  4. Hoover and Clinton.

    Interesting how people ignore the mess the economy was in when Clinton left office.

  5. Hoover.  Stock market crashes will do that.  Bush's term isn't over yet, so no one can yet claim what happened when he left office.

  6. I am laughing my head off, not at you please but with you, LOL.  Notice that you used the word reign.   LOL.  seems funny you would use a term meant for a king, master, dictator, and not for an elected official.

    I haven't got any idea.   But I do like your use of reign!

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