I didn't wear a dust mask the other day when my friend (he didn't either) was jackhammering a small section of concrete in his basement. It didn't get that dusty as the room was large, and I was about 15ft away from him. Plus we only used the jackhammer for 10min, and we had a fan blowing to try and ventilate the area some. I didn't realize anything about silica until I read about it later. Anybody else done this, and if so, any health problems? This was only a one time event, and I now know next time. I just don't want to develop anything as I am only 26. Like I said, there wasn't much of a dust cloud and we tried to ventilate the area.
I research a little about silica and silicosis, and supposedly it takes years of exposure to develop anything. Plus, I read that your body will remove any small exposure; you don't want to overcome your lungs with silica.