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I said it from the start....

Embarrassing....what a joke, did they expect anything else to actually happen tonight? did they actually expect to get through?shame on all those who voted to leave a puppet of a turkey represent us...shame on you!




  1. Look the eurovision is a joke, has been for some years.  Its all block voting and if U2 had played last night we still wouldn't have gotten through.  What we were saying by sending Dustin is the whole thing is a joke and we are not taking it seriously.  Now if we have sense we will just pull out.  Its all Eastern Europe countries that are going to win as they are going to vote for each other.  Still I am glad Dustin went!

  2. Well the whole Eurovision is embarrasing anyway.

    Even if we did put in a really good act, we wouldnt win because of all this bloc voting going on.

    I agree, why is Israel in it??? Its not even in Europe!!!

    Some of the songs, well actuually most were brutal, but Norway and Poland did deserve to go through.

    Anyway at least we had a laugh at dustin and how ridiculous he looked, if we sent any of the other people who were in eurosong we probably wouldnt have gotten through anyway. I didnt like that 'double cross my heart' or whatever it was called. It sounded too eastern european and those songs arent usually great.

    So anyway im up for Podge and Rodge to go next! They should say which countries Ireland gave the votes to this year. Well we might aswel!

  3. Hey when they go back to judges instead of phone voting then maybe we'll send a good act but until then I say we make a mockery of the competition.

  4. hi you

    we may not have got the points but we got the turkey power come back zic and zag all is forgiven

  5. =) Come on ... he's a turkey-vulture ... what's not to love?! (you're right, wtf Ireland?)

  6. Christine, we have the song written already for next year. We'll do ye's proud, so we will.

    We think Dustin's song should be renamed:

    "Irlande Null Points"

  7. I thought one of the most embarrasing things about it was the way they spelled the name of the song wrong:  "Irelande douze pointe".  Broadcasting that to French-speaking people -  it made them look ignorant.

    By the way, the reason countries like Israel are in it is because the competition is between countries that are members of the European Broadcasting Union.  The union also includes North African countries - I wonder if they'll ever enter the song contest?

  8. i love dustin!! but still, i guess he's an irish thing...a m8 of mine sed its 2 expensive 2 hold so they're tryin 2 lose...but thats a father ted episode (the best episode ever!!) so i think some1 wz havin her on!!

  9. I made the mistake of staying sober watching the Eurovison, Dustin was bad, he was terrible, as were the eejits running around him on stage, but some of the s**+te that did get through was even worse.

    So whats for next year, Podge and Rodge, or something half decent!

    And I didn't vote for him to go there either, I knew our sense of humour would not translate to the Balkans,  I would have been surprised if he did get through..... but Azerbaijan, how did that even get in, last time I looked it was in Asia, who's next to claim they're European.  Maybe Dustin might make them think twice, LOL

    edit, just read that Dustin actually came 11th, so we nearly made it, who knows if the UK were allowed to vote (ie Northern Ireland) we might have made it.

  10. omg

    i was so pissed we didn't get in

    youre right, Dustin sucked...but the whole thing just sucks anyway.....the song was only as much of a joke as the whole competition

    Has anyone even HEARD of most of these supposedly "European" countries?

    seriously? since when is ISRAEL part of Europe?

    wow...some of those countries.....;(

    i dont know which one it was, but there was one country (that got through!) with a couple who looked like they escaped from a mental institution

  11. lol, so true but sending through "human" acts hasn't actually worked either. But the song was terrible, I mean when the guy hadn't a voice what chance had we.

    The only thing that softens the blow is Englands entry is embarrasing too!!

  12. Oh good God, I know...

    I was watching it tonight & Marty Whelan was convinced we'd get through even when people boo'ed!

    I said it from the start as well, I have a GSOH but I still couldn't see the logic of sending a puppet in the guise of a Turkey with a load of drag queens running around (yes I know, it's Eurovision) but the song, the SONG, it was brutal...

    I don't even want to know how many votes we got... I'm glad they didn't divulge that...

    Remember Dervish last year??

    Oh God...

    I think we're sick of winning & that's why we're sending brutal acts in...
You're reading: Dustin........?

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