
Dutys of an underage door security / bouncer

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Dutys of an underage door security / bouncer




  1. I hope you mean a door security/bouncer to prevent underage people from entering an establishment.  

    You need to be able to identify people who are under the age of entry to the business and prevent them from getting inside.  To do this, you should be familiar with the various forms of ID's that could be used.  Drivers licenses, University ID's, state ID's from almost all states in the union as well as ID's from foreign countries.  Check for anything that might make an ID forged or altered.  Get a little UV mini flashlight as a lot of ID's have marks that fluoresce under UV light.  This is a big help.  Don't listen to stories about how someone "forgot" their ID.  

    Remember you're just a private citizen, not a police officer.  There are things you can't do.  Be able to spot trouble makers and know how to deal with them.  Spot people already drunk or on drugs.  Be careful.  A job like this is actually has a lot of responsibility.  



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