
Duz any1 kno if theres a safe tattoo place in Toronto where you can get a tattoo @ 16 witout parental consent?

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Duz any1 kno if theres a safe tattoo place in Toronto where you can get a tattoo @ 16 witout parental consent?




  1. Sorry, but any place like that is illegal because you are a minor. You probably could find some run down place willing to do it for you. Chances are it will unsanitary and unprofessional. A real pro would not work on a minor without consent.

  2. A "safe" place would never ever do your tattoo. They would be jeopordizing their licence, their reputation etc...hang tough and get a hanna tattoo to try out different images. That way when you are of age you are absolutely sure it's the tattoo you want (as my aunt said to my cousin who tattooed his name on his chest...."DO YOU KNOW THAT DOSEN'T COME OFF!!! LOL) Good Luck. (Don't do it won't like your tattoo by the time you're 25 and it'll look like a dried raisin by the time you're 35...just wait it out a couple more sounds like an eternity but it's really only a few seasons away.)

  3. Any respectable place would not tattoo a 16 year old without consent as they run the risk of loosing their business license and therefore their business.

    There are a few back alley places around Kensigton market.  However you will probably get Hepatitis or worse.

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