
Dvd+r vs. dvd-r? is there a difference?

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What is the difference between DVD-R and DVD+R?What's with the plus and the minus? What's the difference between dvd "DUAL "layer and a "DOUBLE" layer and MULTI layer? a DVD 9? i know dvd 9 has 8.something GB capacity. what about the dual and double and multi? what are the other types of dvd recordable media?Thanks!




  1. DVD "Plus" and DVD "Minus" were originally launched as competing formats, as the manufacturers failed to reach an agreement. Originally, you had to buy either a DVD "plus" burner or a DVD "minus" burner, and then buy the correct format of blank disc for your burner. If that sounds crazy, that's because it was.

    The "plus" format was actually a breakaway format, as it wasn't approved by the official DVD Forum, which sets standards for DVD discs. As a result of this, "plus" blank discs do not carry the DVD logo.

    Fortunately, the manufacturers soon saw sense, and current burners can burn both the "plus" format and the "minus" format, so it makes no difference which type of blank disc you use. They still make both formats of disc, though, to cater for people with older burners.

    Dual layer is the same as double layer (i.e. the disc has two recording layers for higher capacity). Multi layer simply means multiple recording layers - a DVD can only have up to two layers, so it means the same thing.

    A single layer DVD (DVD-5) has a capacity of 4.7GB, whereas a dual/double later DVD (DVD-9) has a capacity of 8.5GB.

    It's also possible to get DVD-1 discs -these are only 8cm in diameter rather than 12cm, and hold just 1.4GB. They are primarily intended for use in camcorders.

    The main types of DVD recordable media are:

    DVD-R - write once (can not be erased). Can be single layer (DVD-5) or dual layer (DVD-9).

    DVD-RW - rewritable (can be erased and used again). Can only be single layer (DVD-5).

    DVD+R - write once (can not be erased). Can be single layer (DVD-5) or dual layer (DVD-9).

    DVD+RW - rewritable (can be erased and used again). Can only be single layer (DVD-5).

    DVD-1 (8cm) versions of all of the above formats also exist.

    Another rewritable format is DVD-RAM, mainly used in domestic DVD recorders, such as Panasonic models. Not all computer burners support DVD-RAM discs, but many (such as LG and Lite-On models) do. Most DVD players (as opposed to recorders) can not play DVD-RAM discs.

    DVD-RAM discs are only single layer (DVD-5), so have a capacity of 4.7GB. DVD-RAM discs are only a "minus" format, there's no such thing as DVD+RAM.

    The main advantage of DVD-RAM, on a DVD recorder, is the ability to record one show while watching another that is recorded on the same disc, or "pausing live TV" (playing back a recording before the recording has actually finished).

    With DVD-RAM, it's also possible to play discs recorded on one DVD recorder in a different DVD recorder without having to "finalize" the disc.

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