I have my own opinion. what do you think?
Lets look at criminals, If a young guy makes the wrong decision in life and robs a house, he of course should be punished so he serves his jail time. He repents his sins and holds his hands up to the mistakes he has made. Should that guy not be allowed to ever work again??
Dwain ok can obviously get another job other than running but remember these athletes have been in the sport since they were young children, always working towards the possibility of getting an Olympic medal.
It must be so hard for him, if he obtained an injury I guess that he would have to learn to deal with it, but to be stopped for a stupid mistake he made has ruined all those childhood dreams, he must hate himself for doing it. But he is doing everything to make up for his mistake, he told kids "not to do what I have done look at me and the trouble I am in, I want to prove it can do it without drugs."
He would walk on broken glass for a 2nd chance, forgive him ?