
Dwarf Frog Q: Clawed or not?

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Ok, I bought a frog yesterday from what i consider to be a trusted and very nice pet store. I go there for all my aquarium needs. This was my first time buying a frog.

The man took a frog from a tank labeled "Clawed Dwarf Frog," but assured me that it wasn't clawed. (they do tend to forget to update the labels since they have many fish that come and go quickly from their tanks)

I don't have a picture of the frog, however this is its description the best i can give it.

size : 1.5 inches

pattern : Olive in color with many small patches of a darker green all over him

hands : not webbed (no black tips)

feet : webbed, each foot has 5 toes, 3 have black tips (claws?)

behavior : dug up one of my fake plants and was hiding under it. (behavior of a clawed frog?)

I could really use some help, I've been researching this for at least an hour and a half and haven't come up with a definitive answer to my question. Im hoping asking here will help.

Reliable sources would be great. I read that clawed frogs can kill all of your frogs in one night O.O, and i have a tetra that could easily fit inside of my frogs mouth (i've seen pictures of clawed frogs eating bigger then it!)




  1. Sounds to me that you didn't get a dwarf clawed frog but a regular african clawed frog which I just purchased myself. Sounds exactly like mine only mine is an albino.

    Dwarf and Clawed both start off at the same size but the clawed frog will begin to grow and get pretty big.

    Dwarf frogs have both webbed feet and "fingers" and the clawed frog only has webbed feet. I'm not entirely sure if the black tips are called claws but mine also has 3 black tipped toes and the rest are not.

    Both Clawed frogs are sorta shy and like to hide in whatever they can find. Mine likes to try and dig into the gravel to hide but settles for under the plastic plant

    You're gunna want to either move the fish to a different tank or move the frog to a diff tank because as it grows it'll eat just about anything that can fit in its mouth, including gravel if it is small enough to fit.

    I would suggest moving the fish because depending on your frog these suckers like to move around and the more room the better.

    here are some sites that helped me out a lot when I first got him.

    I also joined a group via yahoo. They were pretty helpful as well.

  2. I love my frogs.  But I can't put any fish in the tank with them or they do eat them,  We even had goldfish that were much larger that had no tail left when we moved him out.  

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