
Dwarf Hamster Help QUICK!!!???

by  |  earlier

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They both; Elephant and Daisy, aren't drinking their water. II've had them for about a year, now. They are my second and third hamsters. They are 100% healthy and have eaten, pooped, and drinked, acted, and urinated fine. Their glass 10 gallon tank broke today by me smashing the glass (Uh-oh!). They didn't get hurt, they were sleeping in their igloo. I bought them a plastic CritterTrail Pink habitat, that comes with the wheel, and everything else. The water bottle is a straight down drip, gravity thing, and they're used to the ball at end. They are not drinking from it and look sort of parched. I introduced both of them, and they didn't look interested. The bottom (Nozzle) of the waterer is a one-centimeter by one-centimeter nozzle with a little hole on the center bottom. Help, please?

Here is the link: (Left)




  1. I have the same cage. I had to change the bottle so it's the curved one. Mine didn't know how to drink out of that one. Try getting a new bottle.

  2. Hamsters take some time to get used to their new cage. Also the water bottle in the new cage is different from the bottle in the old cage, so the hamsters are confused as to how to drink from the same.

    Until they get used to drinking from the bottle, I would advise you to put a dish of clean water everyday in their cage. Make sure that the dish is heavy, otherwise the hamsters would tip it and it would spoil the bedding.

    One way to attract them to the bottle is to always leave a drop of water hanging from the nozzle so that the hamsters can associate the nozzle with their drinking water.

    Hamsters take some time to learn and discover, so let them get used to their new cage first and I am sure they would devise their own way to start drinking from the water bottle. Note them for the next 2 weeks and if they still don't take to the bottle, better to fit the old bottle in the new cage.

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