They both; Elephant and Daisy, aren't drinking their water. II've had them for about a year, now. They are my second and third hamsters. They are 100% healthy and have eaten, pooped, and drinked, acted, and urinated fine. Their glass 10 gallon tank broke today by me smashing the glass (Uh-oh!). They didn't get hurt, they were sleeping in their igloo. I bought them a plastic CritterTrail Pink habitat, that comes with the wheel, and everything else. The water bottle is a straight down drip, gravity thing, and they're used to the ball at end. They are not drinking from it and look sort of parched. I introduced both of them, and they didn't look interested. The bottom (Nozzle) of the waterer is a one-centimeter by one-centimeter nozzle with a little hole on the center bottom. Help, please?
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