
Dwarf weeping willow??

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Is there a such thing as this??




  1. To my knowledge, there are two types of weeping willow, the green and the golden, neither of them are dwarf. You also have the Japanese weeping cherry, the japanese red maple, and the dwarf p***y willow. Maybe one of these?

    I stand corrected. After Googling, I found this......

    Willows, sallows and osiers form the genus Salix, around 400 species[1] of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Most species are known as willow, but some narrow-leaved shrub species are called osier, and some broader-leaved species are called sallow (the latter name is derived from the Latin word salix, willow). Some willows (particularly arctic and alpine species), are low-growing or creeping shrubs; for example the dwarf willow (Salix herbacea) rarely exceeds 6 cm in height, though spreading widely across the ground.

    Willows are very cross-fertile and numerous hybrids occur, both naturally and in cultivation. A well known example is the weeping willow (Salix × sepulcralis), very widely planted as an ornamental tree, which is a hybrid of a Chinese species and a European species – Peking willow and white willow.

    Copied and pasted from this site...

  2. If you're looking for a tree that has a similar habit to the weeping willow, but will not give you the troubles, you might want to consider the Agonis flexuosa (Peppermint Willow).  It's a small-ish tree (to 35'), evergreen, non-invasive roots, and similar "weeping" habit.  Smells great too.
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