
Dwayne Chambers loses Olympic ban case?

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And I say GOOD! What gets me is if he can run fast enough to qualify without taking drugs, then why did he take them in the first place? I mean do you not agree that he's just a stupid idiot and he's only got himself to blame?




  1. First of all he aint 'stupid' He just faught for what HE believed in. He may have won or lost but he did what he wanted to and many of us may have done the same even if we didnt know the outcome!

    Everyone deserves a second chance at some point. You know what he lost but who cares I congrat him on persevering and having faith left to go ahed with it!

  2. The rule was in place BEFORE he ran the race under the influence of drugs, and he knew it. I am glad that the judiciary had the good sense to say, in effect, that his ban was self-inflicted. He is a convicted cheat, and his ban should serve as a warning to others. He has talent, but no brain!

  3. i think most ppl deserve a second chance, i mean its not as if he killed someone or hurt small kids. he took drugs, something most ppl have either done or are still doing, he has admitted he was wrong, cleaned himself up and i think he deserves a second chance.

  4. Well he has to take responibility, but I don't think he's the only person to blame - his coach(es), etc should also be banned from training olympic athletes.

    Do you believe there will be any sprinters in the 100m Olympic final who hasn't used illegal performance-enhancing drugs at any point ?

  5. Good

    i am pleased that the ban was upheld

    it shows that actions have consequences and sometimes you have to live with those consequences

    he chose to take the drugs , his team didn't

    he let his team down ......end of !

  6. I dont think Ill be 'stupid' if I faught for what I truley belived in!

    Dwaye did what he could I guess. Good on him for trying.

  7. Keep all the cheats out. All cheats what ever way they do it it should be a life ban from that sport. From all levels of sport. Then the only route is to try another sport if they would have them.

    I played various sports in my life have never ever taken any form of drug only those that I was perscribed by a Doctor. I know one member of a team I played on started taking   a growth hormone I informed the club & refused to play in the team with this person.

  8. Justice has been served.

    A cheat should never wear the Union Flag.

  9. Sometimes people deserve second chances. That's what I believe.

  10. I echo.... GOOD !

  11. Sometimes life's a bugger.

    However, he is in his late 30's and this will no doubt be his last chance at the olympics.  He fcuked up but, he did sort himself out and has proved now that he can still compete.  I do feel sorry for him, but the rules is the rules.

  12. Anyone who takes drugs is a cheat. How many kids will now think they have to take drugs 'just like Dwayne' to reach the Olympics? No second chances - drugs cheats like him have been doing it time and time again before getting caught. I hate these bleaters - they new what would happen if they get caught, now face up and accept the consequences.

  13. People speak as if he was the only one. How many have not been caught, and how many will be at the next games?

    He would probably have found himself in good company.

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