
Dwyane Wade slowly recovers from injury

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Dwyane Wade slowly recovers from injury
Only a couple of days ago, Dwayne Wade was practicing from the side lines, executing one perfect swish after another and almost getting all three point attempts inside the basket. He was in brilliant form.
His form would not last long as an injury was around the corner. The injury would knock him out of any playing condition for some time.
Wade had caused himself the injury by messing around and protecting Richard Hamilton, by running around an advertisement set, from Ben Wallace. He made a quick getaway towards the benches showing immense pain and hanging on to his leg. Right away it had
not looked good. Nevertheless he ignored it as one would ignore a silly sprain.
Later on in a game he found himself in a position where the ball came his way with a lot of pace after a deflection off another players foot, which caused Wade to move suddenly by reflex and right there he had further aggravated his injury, as he quickly
reached for his leg and threw the ball out of bounds all in one action.
He would make his way to the bench with a great deal of difficulty. The expression on his face had told the story of what he was feeling at that moment. The coach seemed optimistic and was sure it would recover quickly.
That reaction by Dwyane would further go on to mean that he would not be playing any ball for the next couple of weeks. Wade had caused a bad injury to his right thigh hamstring, which would cost him court time. The injury had come only a day later than
his pre-season debut.
He had stayed down for a few minutes and his fellow players and coaches almost instantly knew he was in trouble. He has been in agony ever since and has only spent a day in his recovery period.
This was bad news for Dwyane.
Since the incident he had barely been walking smoothly and could only watch his teammates practice. The extreme stiffness that was in his leg was not a good sign for the star player.
The state his leg was in only made it more difficult to comprehend how much time it would take for him to recover from the issue. The coach had mentioned that Wade had to be rechecked in about six to nine days time.
Nevertheless, he had been told to expect a minimum time of 14 days till he probably may or may not get better. LeBron James added that it would definitely take a few weeks for the muscle to heal completely. Even If he is lucky and it is healed quickly, the
case with hamstring injuries is that they could suddenly come back if mistreated.
Meaning even if Dwyane recovered in the next couple of weeks, he would probably be advised not to play for some more time. The chances of the injury reoccurring would be quite great.
No test appointments were made and no proper checkups had taken place. However, the coach had indicated that extensive X-rays would be taken. Everyone has understood one thing though, that if any injuries were to take place, it would be best that they happened
before the latter part of the season had begun. It was better that the injury came before the season had entered into pressure time.
The team was brought together and the coach along with the president of the Miami Heat wanted to establish a team that would be best for them keeping in mind the months that were lying ahead of them. The mutual view was that the entire team and its managements
would come to terms with the fact and be aware of the fact that they would be short an excellent player, who would probably be out for some time.  
They also knew that they had talent that could be used for the time it would take for Dwyane to make a comeback.
The Heat are scheduled to travel to Kansas for a session of preseason matches against Oklahoma City and  the San Antonio Spurs. The coach believed that if they would be cautious with his injury, Dwyane could recover soon. However, he most certainly would
not be ready to play the two games that were coming up.
Wade would be flying with his squad for these games except he would not be seen in action on the court. He knew the offensive aspect as well as the defensive techniques that both the opposing teams had been using in the past. He was of the notion that his
assistance would not necessarily have to be on the court. The knowledge he possessed about those teams would help the heat comprehend their counter parts strategies a whole lot better.
While he was receiving physio-therapy, he would prove as an asset to his squad by giving valuable tips and teaching the younger talent things that they would be able to use. The point he was trying to make was that under no circumstances would he not accompany
the squad.
The fans would be looking for a quick return of Wade and would be looking forward to see Dwyane turn the heat on again as soon as possible.



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