
Dye a dollar?

by  |  earlier

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I was thinking of doing it for a project/thing. Anyway would it absorb the dye? Maybe food coloring or easter egg dye? Just wondering.





  1. Technically, it is agains the law to deface government currency. The sponsors of the contest could be held liable.

  2. Just experiement with little areas of the dollar and once you find something that works do it all.  I think soaking it in food coloring for a while would work.  Why are ya doing it?

  3. ok no offenise but bob your not to smart its your money once you get it you own it you can do what you want with it    

    anyway thats not the point

    i would reccomend food coloring why well i just tryed it and it worked well

  4. Surprise, ZoneMad !    Bob's RIGHT ! ! !
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