
Dying Plant - Peace Lily?

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I have a peace lily that looks like it is dying. I am not good with plants so I need a little advice. I am not sure if I gave it too much water or do I need to give it more water. The the leaves are bending over and some are turning brown. Can I get some help?





  1. I have one of those, it should be out of direct sunlight as they like shade and watered every other day, I give mine a glass and a half of water.

    I was totally useless with plants until i got this one and I still only have this one, I take off the brown leaves. if you leave them on then the rest of the plant thats green gets less water as the dying leaves try to take more , hope you understand what I mean

  2. usually peace lilies are very talkative. in other words they tell you whats wrong. for example not enough water results in yellow leaves and wilt.too much watering results in yellow leaves, but no wilt.

    you plant is wilting.


    your plant is far from dead becuase this  happens many times but will need some work to fix.

    first you should take the entire pot in a large sink, or outside so you can run water on it for a very long time using a faucet, or using a hose.

    after flushing with lots of water 5 minutes wait about 2 to 3 hours and see if the plant is getting better. if not then flush with water again this time for 8 minutes. then wait till the next day.

    so far this has worked everytime even in the most severe cases. the rules of watering it to water whenevery the soil looks dry. another problem may be the pot. your pot may be too small becuase the larger the pot the more moisture in it resulting in less wilt.

    good luck

  3. Your peace Lily should be  kept in low light conditions, they actually can live in water. I would not let the plant dry out at all keep it moist. Just remember NO bright light.

  4. put vitamins in it

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