
Dying bird! What should I do?

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My dog got at a bird that just tried to fly from it's nest. It's still alvie because I can see it breathing. What should I do? I don't see any blood, but it's breathing very heavily, and it has some missing feathers.




  1. Go to the animal hospital or clinic to save it it will die if you don't.

  2. It may not be hurt that badly. They panic when people get near them and it casues them to pant and act erratic. Put it back in its nest and see what happens. Or, you could call a local wildlife rehab. facility and get their advice. Most local vets can't legally tend to wildlife, but they may humanely euthanize it if it really is hurt badly.

  3. its maybe old and if does not look like a wild bird call animal control

  4. Dogs saliva has bacteria in it that can kill birds so it there was any punture at all the bird will probably die in the next 24 hours unless it gets attention from a vet and recieves antibiotics (The bird might have been bite a little and is not bleeding currently)

  5. If you have a rehab center or a shelter, call them. If you don't the best you can do is pop it back in its nest and hope for the best. There is little you can do, unfortunately.

  6. the poor thing is probably scared to death! that dog probably made him play dead or something. put him in a shoe box and have food and water at the ready. contact a vet and see if the poor lil guy has moved. if he seems okay after a day or two try puting him back in the nest, or make a nest thats up high. his parents may come for him still. if he hasent moved somethings wrong with him and get to a vet asap!

  7. If there are no wounds and you are sure of that just put bird in a quiet safe dim lit place and let it recoup. It is in shock. Touching it and talking to it will only make it worse. Do not offer food until it is showing signs of recovery. You can even put it in a box outside somewhere out of harms way and keep eye on it. Usually once they settle down they will be fine and fly away. If it is a Fledgling it is just learning how to fly and not the best at it yet. Keep dog in house until you know bird is somewhere safe. If there are wounds other that a few missing feathers(puncture wounds) than you need to call a vet that takes injured wildlife in adn they will treat it and send it to wildlife rehabber. Or they may just refer you to one. It is free and they will make sure the bird gets meds and is ok to be released back into the wild. If you do find wounds on it keep it warm offer it small amounts of food and get to vet or rehabber. meds need to be started within 24 hours if not sooner as animal teeth and saliva carry deadly bacteria to birds. Good luck and thanks for caring. :)

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