
Dying? carry on or not?

by  |  earlier

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i know this could open a big can of worms, but what do you think happens to your soul and mind when you die




  1. soul and mind, are they not one and the same.

    they die with your body, there is no proof of anything else

  2. I believe the 'soul' resides in the brain and all consciousness ceases on brain death.

  3. Your soul will live on and other peoples minds will carry on with memories, obviously your mind goes when your heart stops, and if there is nothing there when you die then it is an everlasting sleep for you but not for anyone else who cares.

  4. I do not claim to know everything about what is really happening there on the other side, but I do know somethings about life after death through some personal life after death experiences. So what does happens after one leaves this body?

    Well, nothing complicating happens in the life after death. You just move out of your body and reach a plane of existence known as the Astral World. You will be put before an angel of death who administers the next life suitable for you.

    The decision to whether to send you to go up to heaven, to stay there in the Astral world, to be reborn again into this world or to be sent elsewhere to a different planet for another birth all depends to the karma of the particular soul.

    If you have followed a spiritual guide ( a living spiritual master ) during your lifetime here on earth, usually the guide will intervene and decide where you should go. If not, this angel of death will decide.

    Alright, now how do we prove that this is what is really happening? You can prove to yourself by actually visiting that place and see for yourself what is happening there. In other word, through having life after death experiences.

    Fair enough, but how do you learn this? Simply by finding a spiritual guide who teaches the science of leaving the body at will. In another word, the science of soul travel. Some people call this astral projection

  5. Well you know energy can't be killed so the energy that comes from your body and mind has to go some-wear and live on perhaps in a new born,maybe a animal or human,some people feel they have lived another life,as i do.

  6. to be honest i actually think nothing. its just like sleeping sept you dont wake up  

  7. it dies too

  8. Oh boy.  The automatic category sorter saw "carry on" and put it in the air travel section.

    Who knows, maybe it'll spice things up a bit =]

  9. I know for sure your soul carries on, and they say you're whole again once you get to heaven. I know there are a lot of disputes over this, but, having my family murdered a few years ago, I have had many "visits" from them. I know this may sound a bit crazy, but, others have also witnessed this event. So, I know you don't just "die", and that's the end of it. I know you go to heaven if you're a good person, and watch over your loved ones..

  10. Well I don't think it travels by air that's for sure.

    Maybe ask your question in the religion section for better answers.


  11. Gee, and I thought you wanted to know whether you could bring something (and I wanted to know what) on the plane with you after it was dead.

    (You do know you posted in Air Travel, right?)

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