as some people have already responded to previous questions, i have terminal lukiemia, and it will end up killing me in about 5 months now. im not looking for pity or conforting, but i don't know how to deal with my friends
i told my friends and they are treating me like i am going to pass out on them at any minute. they are afraid to do anything with me because they think that it will take the time away that i have with them. they don't think that i should do anything physical at all, and it is getting to the point where it is really bad and they think that walking around the mall for 2 hours is too much. i still want to be able to act normally with my friends, and no matter how i try to explain that i can still do stuff like that, they think that im just toughing through it. most of them have researched it, and it says that im supposed to be in alot of pain, but im not yet, and i want to spend the time that im not in pain with them like we used to.
my boyfriend is the being weird about it too. he is acting like a slave to me, and i don't want him to think that i need that. he is acting like i should be treated like a queen, and he is spending a lot of money on me taking me places that he thinks that i should have before i go. how i am supposed to deal with my friends changing attitudes? i know that they are concerned, but i want to be able to hang out with them the same way that i used to, because they are not even acting like themselves anymore. help!