
Dying my ends white?

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I don't have enough money to go to a high end salon and have them dye the ends of my hair white like I want. Does anyone know the steps to doing this correctly at home? I want to dye my ends white, and maybe streak a little white through my hair.




  1. You do it with professional-type bleach that you purchase at a place like Sally's. You have to be careful to bleach it long enough to take all the color out without burning the hair off or damaging it seriously. You will probably get it to a yellowish color, so you may have to use a purple-based toner on it to counteract that.  

  2. It would be best it you go to a professional, but if you really can't I'd go to a beauty supply store - like sally's - and get something like whitelites or something special made to make hair White, not just bleached.  Then just follow the instructions carefully and you should be good to go.

  3. You can go a pale platinum blond, but white is the only color that absolutely cannot be duplicated in the salon. It has to do with the molecular structure of the hair.

    In fact, everyone eventually goes grey, except natural redheads. Natural redheads hair will turn white in old age.

    So unless you are a redhead willing to wait until you are elderly, sorry, you are out of luck bleaching your hair white.

  4. im not sure but that sounds really cool!!!!

  5. i wouldn't do it at home.

    you can get it colored at places like great clips and it's not that expensive.

    if you have phagaen's it's like a beauty school and they're pretty good and you can get it colored there.

    it's really bad to color your hair at home.

  6. i know a great thing called "white out" its a color dye from hot topic, i have heard great things about it.

    take your hair right above the part wheree you want to dye it, then use a paint brush to slather it on then massage it into hair with your hands[make sure your hands are GLOVED]


  7. Try this website :

    I've always wanted to dye the ends of my hair:) Good luck!

  8. personally in my opinion DONT DO WHITE!!!

    i respect u wanna do it     but maybe a diff colour?

    ur better off at a salon since its a VERY LIGHT colour dont wanna mess up ur good hair

  9. i dont think that would look toog ood.

    answer mine please!

  10. well, it depends on what color your hair is naturally, but  would use bleach, and then there is this white out stuff you can buy at hot topic.  Then use that.

  11. I really, Really Seriously wouldn't do it at home..That color is one of the hardest colors to get. It takes a few bleaching, plus the toning...and You can't go over the yellow-blond without risking overprocessing your hair..A Professional is a really, really good idea...and you don't have to go to a High end salon..a Local salon is good too.  
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