
Dylan or Keegan for a boy?

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Don't really want something that can be used for a girl... We already have an Aiden and a Logan. Last name Walker.




  1. dylan is SO 90210...Keegan is cool...when i hear it, i think of a boy, not a girl

  2. dylan.  i don't really like keegan.

  3. well Keegan is a popular girls name...

    so i would go with Dylan

    i like Dylan alot more anyway

    good luck!


  4. I like Keegan...its one of my top choices for names.

    I dont like Dylan.. i have known a few and they were all rude, jerks, or nasty.

  5. Neither i would chose Derek or Brodie

    But if you are really set on one of thoughs two names i would pick Dylan

  6. Keegan is cute or you can use both.. one as a middle name.. if you really like those names

  7. Dylan.

    Dylan Walker... sounds like a superstar.

  8. Keegan!!!!!! I was going to name my son Keegan actually, but my boyfriend wasn't very fond of it so I picked a name that he loved as much as i did.

    but if i could i would name my son keegan.

    it is so much more unique and powerful than Dylan...

  9. I like Keegan it's different and rolls off the tongue....

  10. Dylan.

  11. I adore both names, but I would go with Dylan. Keegan has the 'gan' out of Logan, and the long vowel sound in the first syllable like Aiden. I would use Dylan because it sounds complimentary without being too close in sound to your other boys' names.

  12. Dylan

  13. I personally like Dylan better, but I know several girls with both of those names. Those are names that can go either way.  

  14. Dylan defo better

  15. I think that you should definatley go with Keegan!!!!!

    But then again I really like Dylan too so it is hard to decide but I think that Keegan is a better choice.

  16. Keegan is good.  

  17. KEEGAN

    this is an awesome name, and all though it can be used for a girl, so can Dylan and Logan which are both very popular unisex names.

  18. Dylan is a nice strong name. Keegan is less popular though. Both are nice, I personally prefer Dylan :-)

  19. there seem to be a ton of Keegans around. (seriously..I know 3 newborns born in the past 6 months named Keegan) so from a common aspect i would go with Dylan.

    Have you tried any baby sites for names? I found out I'm having a boy so I've been scouring them :)

  20. I've never really been a fan of "Dylan", so it's "Keegan" for me...

    However, I've always liked the name "Owen"

    Owen Walker?

  21. I have heard of people using Keegan as a girls name...which i totally disagree with. i think its strictly a boys name, but to each their own. So I prefer Keegan but would go with Dylan if you dont want a name that now goes both ways.

  22. I love the name Dylan. Keegan so-so for me.

    Dylan Walker is a great name.

  23. Keegan Sean

  24. I would choose Keegan, its a precious and not very common name !! Cute ! Dylan has always been a fave of mine. But when i think Dylan i think my old neighbor thats crippledd....!!!

    Keegan Lance is a good name

    or Keegan Reece!!

  25. Dylan.

  26. Aiden, Logan and Dylan sound great together

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