
Dynamic loading CSS via JavaScript?

by  |  earlier

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I'm basically wondering how I would go about having specific StyleSheets load at given dates. I've Googled for a while now and all I can really find are scripts that will load a StyleSheet at random. I would normally butcher this code for my own benefit, but seeing as though I don't know much JS, it wouldn't be much help.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


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  1. Might get a better answer posting your question in the JavaScript section of this forum:


  2. <html>


    <script type="text/javascript">

    // path to CSS files

    var styleDir = '';

    // each pair is a the date on which to begin using the

    // corresponding CSS file and from which to continue

    // using that file until the next file's trigger-date

    // is encountered

    var cssDatesFiles = [

    ['Jun 1, 2008', 'June.css'],

    ['Jul 1, 2008', 'July.css'],

    ['Aug 1, 2008', 'August.css'],

    ['Sep 1, 2008', 'September.css']


    function addCssFileByDate() {

    var cssFile;

    // search in reverse, until the first date is encountered

    // that is prior to today's date - the corresponding CSS

    // file is the one to use

    for (var i = cssDatesFiles.length -1; i > -1; i--) {

    if (todayLaterThan(cssDatesFiles[i][0])) {

    cssFile = cssDatesFiles[i][1];

    // once found, quit searching




    // now add a new link element to the head to include

    // the reference to the CSS file

    var d = document;

    var h = d.getElementsByTagName( 'HEAD' )[0];

    var l = d.createElement( 'LINK' );

    l.type = 'text/css';

    l.rel = 'stylesheet';

    l.href = styleDir + cssFile;

    h.appendChild( l );


    function todayLaterThan(d) {

    var testDate = new Date(d);

    var today = new Date();

    return today > testDate;






    <p> content here </p>



  3. depend where you want to load your CSS

    header or body

    (Generic pseudo code for idea purposes only)

    //assuming it's in the header

    <script  type="text/javascript" >

    if ( mydate > today() )  


       document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='





    document.write("<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='





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