
Dyslexia and shyness?

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Do people who have dyslexia also have problems with interpersonel skills and making friendships?




  1. My younger son is dyslexic and he is far from having problems with interpersonal skills and making friendships.  The problem with many dyslexics seem to start when they discover they have a problem reading and start "pulling away" from their friends.  This, in turn, keeps friends from looking for them for any and many social activities.  A "snowball effect" begins to form, where the dyslexic stays away for fear that friends discover his/her "defect" and friends distance themselves from those who prefer to stay away from them.  This action/reaction, if started early in life, gives truth to the dyslexic myth that they have some kind of social problem.  My son was taught to say, the first day of every school year:  Mr., Mrs., or Professor ---------------, I am dyslexic and have trouble reading.  I want you to know that and you - referring to his classmates - better get used to it!  He is now an Electrical Engineer and manages a computer network program for the Medical Science Institute at the University of Puerto Rico... and still have problems reading.  Dyslexia is forever, but there are many excellent solutions to this learning - not social - problem.

  2. My 7 year old son is dyslexic and he has lots of friends.

    Im no expert, but perhaps when dyslexia is co-existing with other conditions like ADHD, or other learning disabilities making or keeping friends becomes a bit more difficult.

  3. Nothing wrong is dyslexia with.

  4. Heck no! I know a dyslexic little girl who is the most energetic, outgoing person you`ll meet. She makes tons of friends, but does sometimes misuse words, and that confuses some of her friends. (The misuse of words is connected to the dyslexia, I know others)

  5. I am dislexic and I do have problems forming and keeping friends. It started when i was young. but i was never treated for it i was told when I was 18 that i was dislexic by a college teacher who had me tested. I was always told that i had ADD.

  6. No way i am dyslexic and i am doing fine with my interpersonel skills and i have alot of friends to hangout with.
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