
Dyslexia help pleese!?

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hello my nam is alanna

today my teachrs came up to me and wanted me to see s reading speshalist because they think i am dyslexic. They want a meeting with my parents. im in 7th grade, shudn't i have alredy been diagnosd? im not sure if its that bad. I hav sins like BAD spelling. Many peeple think i under acheev. Its just hard for me. The thing that i am wondering is how will mi parents take it and will i get made fun of? also do u no why in 7th grade and not erlier? thanks if you can help...i am reely scared!




  1. Some of the most sucessful people are dyslexic....

    You look at and process things differently, will you get made fun of, probably at sometime in your life, everyone feels inadequate in some area of their life.  Don't worry, just plan to work extra hard!

  2. Chances are if you are dyslexic it is very mild and that is why it may have been missed.  Embrace the gifts of dyslexia.  Dyslexics are very smart, intuitive, have an excellent memory, and think outside the box for solutions.  Reading is over-rated.  yes it is important to read, but not important to read well.  I have graduated from college (university) with 3 degrees.  I have been a Mensa member since elementary school.  I was last evaluated at age 35 and my reading level was 5th grade (age 10).  My husband (also dyslexic) is about to graduate to becoming a nurse practitioner.  My best friend is a neuroscientist, graduated from an Ivy league school for her PhD with English as a second language and reads on a 4th grade level (dyslexia also).  I don't see why your parents would have a hard time with it, there are lots of benefits to being dyslexic.  The good really does outweigh the bad.  I don't think you will get made fun of.  A classroom is made up of a lot of different types of students including gifted, mentally retarded, ADD/ADHD, bipolar, autistic, ect.  Personally aside from gifted which I am I would rather be dyslexic than any of those other diagnoses

  3. The reason anyone at school hasn't said anything earlier is because schools don't want to help children with these type of problems.

    Even now, the teachers are telling you to see a reading specialist becuase -

    1. They did NOT specifically say a reading specialist at SCHOOL, did they?

    2. They did not specifically mention for you to get help thru special education services, did they?

    They probably want you to go get help outside the school so they will not be responsible for helping you.

    But by law, they ARE suppose to help you.

    They aer suppose to help you as SOON as they see you have problems, which they did NOT

    What does that tell you?

    Schools can NOT do testing to see if you have dyslexia, be sure and tell your parents that. Schools ONLY do testing to see if a child can qualify for special ed services and testing to see what your problems are so they will know what to help you with, AFTER you are ALREADY in special ed.

  4. hi my name heidi

    A am in exectly the same situation, i am 16 years old i i was diagnosed today, a am in the UK so i do not know what 9 th grade is but i can siting my GCSE enlgish exam in 4 day and will be getting on support. You nedd to talk to your teachers and look at your own personal leasrning style to see what works best. Good luck ....
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