
Dyslexia? how and where can i go for help? teachers education therapist?

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I'm almost certian my son has dyclexia (if thats how you spell it!). my mum has it too.

i have always assumed he has behavior problems at school, but now wondering if he has dyclexia.

he can't do shoe laces and he is VERY behind in class. I have had help for his behavior, but why does he have no friends in school yet I get complints form the teacher that he has hit another child anad thinking if he is bullied for being "slow"

his teacher said he isn't dyclexic but his words and numbers are jumbly and upside down etc. example ball would be spelt bol etc.

he is 7 years old now and going to juniors next sept. i'm really worried that its going to be too late or not be able to get any help. does anyone know what or where to go. except teachers as they don't seem to ick anything up.




  1. He may well have dyslexia, which is a problem 'decoding' certain types of written words, - ie, problems with reading.  However, what you are describing sounds more like dysgraphia, - which is a problem 'encoding' words, - ie, writing.

    Put your concerns in writing and ask for a 'statutory assessment.' - They cannot ignore this and this will bring the educational psychologist on board.

    Really he needs a wide ranging developmental assessment, to place his problems within the context of his entire development.  Only then can we be sure precisely what his problems are and where they are coming from.

  2. When i was your sons age i was doing poorly in school also. My teacher recognized it and had me tested by specialists in the school. There was meetings and my parents were at school all the time talking with teachers and finally in 4th grade they found out what it was. I had a phonic problem. I spelt how it sounds not by all the grammer rules. and i was also dyslexic(sp).

    I would talk to special education teachers at your sons school. And have him tested and if he does have learning problems they can put him on an IEP plan (individual education plan) i think that's what it stands for. Also you can get phonics card games. They helped me alot.

    Good Luck and i hope that helped.

  3. Put your concerns in writing to the Head Teacher with a copy to the Board of Governors.  Ask that he sees an Educational Psychologist.  Request that this is brought up at the next Governors' meeting.    If you wish to do it privately, it depends where you live.  There is Dyslexia Action in Nottingham and the Dyslexia Association somewhere else.  You can always Google it.  It cost me £65 to have my grandson tested.

    Good luck!

  4. I agree with resigned, insist that your son be tested.  

    Many schools are reluctant to do this as once a diagnosis of dyslexia is made they have to provide additional help for the child.  

    My own son is dyslexic and I was put off having the test done for a year when he was at primary school.  This was a complete waste of time, during which time he became more unhappy and frustrated.  If the school are unwilling to do it have the test carried out privately.

    The turning point in my sons life was when he was diagnosed.  I could then explain to him that he was not stupid, which was the only explanation he could think possible as he could not read and write as well as children much younger than him.  Most dyslexics are of above average intelligence and this leads to much frustration.

    Not all schools are good at providing for children with special needs and I also had to move to change my sons school during his secondary education.  

    However it was really worth it and he completed his education gaining three A levels including English.

    Don't accept second  rate services for your son if you want him to achieve his full potential.

    Some websites which will give you more information.

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