
Dyslexia question?

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When they say dyslexia people read things backwards do they mean they see the letters backwards? or do they read things backwards such as "What are you doing?"

Are you what doing?

I don't understand it much but I think my brother has it, when he reads he skips words and reads them backwards, but he has no other big signs of dyslexia but that....Does he have dyslexia if so what kind?




  1. It's not so much reading backwards. It is once it is received into the brain it distorts. When the information is sent back out( the respond) it is as the brain perceived it. Basically alot of people show signs because they are taking in info. too fast to concentrate. Another reason could be how they have changed the rules for learning how to read and spell words. Hope this helps

  2. Seeing letters backwards as a sign of dyslexia is a myth. Instead it typically means that a person will have problems processing what they are reading (meaning they have trouble making sense of the letters).

    To help your brother, read with him. One useful technique is for you to read one page in a book while he follows along and then have him read it. Another is to have him read the same page a few times out loud and you tell him any words he gets wrong or misses. The repetition may get a little dull (for you), but it will do wonders helping him learn how to read. Also, when he reads have him follow along with his finger under the words, this will help make sure he doesn't skip words.

    If you are still concerned after some time, bring it up with his teacher and/or his school's school psychologist. Do your best to keep him in the general education classroom with maybe some extra tutoring, though, because being in a special ed classroom is rarely helpful.

  3. My daughter has dyslexia. We take the light's glare off her papers or books and it helps lots. She sometimes writes her letters and numbers backwards. When she's reading sometimes she can't get a word because she sees the letters jumbled.

    There are extreme cases and not so extreme, like my daughter.

    I googled it and researched it when they thought she had it.

  4. Dyslexia is a learning problem some kids have with reading and writing. It can make words look jumbled. This makes it difficult for a kid to read and remember what was read.

  5. Dyslexia is a broad term for poor reader.  A person with this disorder has a history of very little progress in reading.  Children who have poor auditory processing often develop dyslexia.  They don't understand the alphabetic principle, that words consist of sounds "glued" together into meaningful units.  The sounds can be represented with single letters of the alphabet, or a combination of letters which occur in regular patterns.  

    Children who are dyslexic do not see letters in reverse just as they don't see houses in reverse or trees in reverse.  They more likely have poor letter discrimination skills.  In other words, they weren't very attentive while learning the features of letters and they don't recognize them effortlessly.  They also have poor decoding skills or are very slow decoders.  They have a very limited sight vocabulary, not recognizing many words instantly.  

    A method called "repeated readings" has been found to be a very effective way to help dyslexic individuals develop sight words and improve reading speed (fluency).  Your brother should be encouraged to read and reread, frequently.  He probably needs some phonics instruction.  He is developing his own methods of making sense of print rather than learning to master the alphabetic code.

  6. i have dyslexia and i see numbers switched around like 123 i might see it 231 or 213 yet im really good at math. and with words i just dont see words or letters in general not mixed up kinda weird huh
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