my stepdaughter's seven year old son plays hockey, sports etc. He is a middle child to an older sister and younger brother. He prefers to be with me when he is sick from school or at times when his mom is busy and a babysitter is needed. He is close to me and his mom appreciates that.
The problem is this..three years ago I noticed he appeared sleepy and suggested he have his eyes checked. His mom disagreed and said he was tired...I have noticed this look several times since. The other day while babysitting the three kids, I bought paint by numbers to which the oldest and youngest followed my directions explicitly even to the point of holding the brush for easier paint application.
Not only did the one I am referring to with the sleepy eyes have a problem following through with directions, he read the 17 as 71. Last week he asked me to call his friend on the phone as he read the numbers to me (wrong number) Letters are written backwards as well. What do you think? Should I shutup