
Dyslexic or what else?

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I am 14 and I am a good speller and always know how to spell things even big words, but I have soo many of the symptoms, in fact I have 25 out of 37 symptoms. Every once in awhile I write my C's backwards... I have great math difficulty....cold this be dyslexia!?




  1. I have some of those too...I don't think I'm dyslexic. I sometimes write my b's and d's wrong and I can never tell my direction (left, right, north, south, east, west) time is hard sometimes and I'm terrible at math.

  2. You're not stupid if you have dyslexia, but if you're worried, you should talk to your teacher about it. Don't think of yourself as an outsider because Dyslexia doesn't affect your life majorly.

  3. You spelled "could" and "so" wrong

  4. i dont know...a lot of those symptoms overlap w/other diseases like OCD, or are common in everyday individuals.

    it could be though.  a friend of mine has difficulty at math and spelling and she has it.

  5. I just dyslexic saw and decided to write. I am dyslexic I read barely and you can if read fine you then.

  6. sorry, can't help you out here. you could ask your mom, maybe she knows something about it. I'm sure she should. Or you can talk to your doctor and get some info on it. If you have 25 out of 37 symptoms, and that would be 12 other symptoms that you don't have,wow that is a high chance. You could probably have dyslexia, but you shouldn't worry about it too much, and don't stress over it, either. Good Luck in the future. :)

  7. it could be. I am dyslexic, I am a terrable speller, you might want to get tested, It is a big time commitment, and kind of expensive. It could be nothing though, If you had no trouble learning how to read, you most likely are not. Math is not the most common subject to have difficulty in, but it is possible. If you aren't a slow reader, and if you are not bad at reading allowd, you probably don't

  8. i get my d and b confused. my teacher told me i have a miner case of byslexia(whoops i did it again). so i think your case is a miner one
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