
Déjà Vu in dreams?

by  |  earlier

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When I am dreaming, I get a feeling of déjà vu, Like a am positively certain that I have dreamt about this before. But when I wake up I know I have never dreamt that before. Does this happen to you? Could it have been a dream that I just didn't remember?




  1. Yhe possibly. I have had recurring dreams where I visit the same land/ cityscapes and after I wake, it takes me a little while to work out if it is a real physical place or a dream scape as they are quite familiar to me

  2. Ohhh, yes, definately. Many times. I also sometimes remember, in my dream, what happened the last time I dreamt of the scenario; its almost like continuing a story. Pretty cool now that I think about it.

    My logical, non-superstitious guess is that you mostly dream of subconcious obessions, and having the same obsessions would lead to having the same-styled dream.

  3. omgg allll the time... i hate it lol.. but sometimes i have dreams and then it hapends :P really weird :P

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