
E.D.F.L. Umpire's help?

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How much money would I get from BOUNDARY Umpiring an EDFL under 16's preliminary final?




  1. It's normally 10 bucks I think. However, every EDFL finals game I've been to I think they have an actual umpire doing the boundary - like in the seniors H&A matches.

    Are you an umpire?

  2. The EDFL would have a web site, contact them and ask,    are you an boundary umpire?,  if you are you should know how much,   if your not, then not any one can roll up and umpire in the finals, you'd know that i think.

  3. Do you even get paid

    when i played for GWR

    it was voluntary

    but that was in 1974

  4. guessing that edfl stands for Eastern Districts FL??

    um..I cant answer that but it would be a good pay.

    maybe $30 or $40....and maybe $50 for a grand final....

    under 16's are only its nothing like what you may get for seniors.

    and you would have to be a proper, accredited umpire to do preliminary finals weather its field, boundary or goal anyway...ask your umpire co-ordinator!!

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