
E-Machines Internet Explorer Problems?

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My aunt has an E-machine, and everytime you're in the middle of doing something online, this box pops up and says it's closing the internet explorer. Then, the messenger box pops up to "send information" to Microsoft about the problem. How can I fix this?




  1. Hey,dear~~

    I think you should get rid of IE. My friends alway ask me to fix their crazy IE.

    But, I tell them IE is not good to use. IE is unstable, error prone, and insecure.

    U may often see IE crash like

    U should try Firefox. Firefox is a web browser that is basically like Internet Explorer, but it runs 127% faster (you see the pages quicker) and also has a built in spell checker!

    Firefox is an open source project, so many enthusiastic programmers trace the source code every day. Thus, firefox has become more and more robust!

    Give yourself a nice browsing experience.

    More info:

    Good luck!!!!

  2. potential the lastest version of IE

  3. reinstall your browser or you can just use another Internet browser i recommend fire fox

  4. IE blows. Security holes, ads, pop-ups, and SLOOOWWW.

    Get firefox, and add on Adblock Plus.

    You won't regret it.

  5. First off, try clicking on send info because after it sends it, sometimes it directs you to an update that you might need to get to make IE work again. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling IE. Hope that helps!

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