Can anyone in Germany phone one of these numbers and ask for Vanessa Reckwitz, I would but our telephone company charges a hellova lot of money to make an international call, if you find the write one please say which one it was and if you get the wrong one, write it down so others can try different ones?
Reckwitz Günter Schröderstr. 31 44227 Dortmund
0231 75 20 80
Reckwitz Hans Abteistr. 43 44287 Dortmund
0231 44 54 54
Reckwitz Klara Wellinghofer Str. 194 44263 Dortmund
0231 46 67 24
Reckwitz Reinhard Menglinghauser Str. 96 44227 Dortmund
0231 75 39 13
Reckwitz Thomas Dr. Arzt für Urologie Hörder Semerteichstr. 188 44263 Dortmund
0231 43 19 64